2 killed as pickup slams into log truck on US-301 in Bradford County
BRADFORD COUNTY, FL — Two people traveling in a pickup truck died Thursday morning after the vehicle struck a log
BRADFORD COUNTY, FL — Two people traveling in a pickup truck died Thursday morning after the vehicle struck a log
HORRY COUNTY, SC — A multi-vehicle collision that caused a big rig to overturn last Thursday near Loris had one
MACON, GA — Crews were dispatched to the scene of a jackknifed logging truck and a fuel spill Wednesday afternoon
MONTGOMERY, AL — A driver was injured Monday morning due to a rollover commercial truck crash on Interstate 85 in
MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FL — A man had to be extricated from the wreckage of a car last Tuesday morning in
CHATHAM COUNTY, GA — A truck collided with a building Thursday night in southwest Savannah, claiming the lives of two
MARION COUNTY, TN — A crash between an SUV and a semi-truck last Wednesday, January 17, on Interstate 24 in
VOLUSIA COUNTY, FL — A crash involving a dump truck Sunday night in west New Smyrna Beach has claimed the
MADISON COUNTY, AL — One person was injured late Monday morning when a city plow truck they were operating overturned
HALL COUNTY, GA — A chicken truck overturned during a crash last Wednesday afternoon, January 17, in Lula, according to